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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

प्रयोगशाला सेवाएं

Contact us

Contact us: Email-id: यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए. ,

                     Ph. No.:    011-26549373

Training workshops

Training workshops:  

Conducted Two Day Hands-on Training Workshop on ‘Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), RT-PCR & Real-Time PCR Techniques: Application in Diagnostics & Research’, 27th-28th February, 2020.


Details of the event-  

The workshop was organized with an objective to introduce students, researchers and clinicians at AIIMS to the basics and Hands-on training for various molecular techniques (DNA, RNA isolation and gel electrophoresis, primer design, PCR, cDNA synthesis and Real-Time PCR). The workshop included-

  • Lecture series on the basics of molecular techniques (principle, procedure, research, clinical applications and troubleshooting).
  • About 150 participant including students, post-docs, faculties and scientists attended the lecture sessions. Hands-on training was imparted to 21 participants and they performed the experiments by themselves.
  • The participants were briefed on data analysis such as melt curve analysis and interpretation.





 The general facility of the AIIMS CCRF houses multiple molecular biology equipment. Major instruments which has been installed (till now) in General Facility are mentioned below-


Details of Major services and equipment provided by General Facility at CCRF (that need prior booking).

SOPs for Main Services


Link for downloading Standard operating Procedures (SOPs)

Real Time PCRmachine

(Model: CFX96; Biorad)


SOP for Realtime PCR

Polymerase Chain Rection machine

 (Model:SureCycler 8800 Thermal Cycler; Agilent Technologies)



SOP for PCR Users document

Multimode microplate Reader

(Model:Cytation1; Biotek)



SOP for Multimode Microplate Reader

Electroporation system

(Model:.Gene Pulser Xcell system; Biorad)



SOP for Electroporator

Gel Documentation System

(Model: G:Box-Chemi-XX9, Company, Syngene)  


SOP for G:Box-Chemi-XX9


(Model:.Optima XPN-100, Beckman Coulter)



SOP for Ultra-Centrifuge


(Model: Heraeus™ Fresco™ 17 Microcentrifuge; Thermo scientific)


SOP for Refrigerated Centrifuge

 Multipurpose Centrifuge

Model: Sorvall ST4 Plus Centrifuge, Thermo Scientific 

 SOP for Multipurpose Centrifuge




SOP for Homogenizer

Agarose gel electrophoresis set-up



SOP for Agarose Gel electrophoresis set-up

ElISA washer and ELlSA reader



SOP for Agarose Gel electrophoresis set-up


List of minor equipment (that do not need online booking):  

§  Electronic weighing Balance

§  Ice flaking machine

§  Autoclave

§  pH meter

§  Magnetic stirrers

§  Vortex

§  Water bath

§  Cold microfuge

§  Hot-plate

§  MilliQ and RO water system  

List of new hind equipment (will be available soon):  

§  Digital droplet PCR

(M/s Biorad)


Faculty & Scientists

Faculty &  Scientists:   

  • Dr. Kalpana Luthra, Professor of Biochemistry- Coordinator
  • Dr. Ravinder Goswami, Professor of Endocrinology
  • Dr. Parthaprasad Chattopadhyay, Professor of Biochemistry
  • Dr. Lakshmi R, Professor of Cardiac Biochemistry
  • Dr. Deepali Jain, Addl. Professor of Pathology
  • Dr. Archna Singh-1, Associate Professor of Biochemistry
  • Dr. Jayanth Kumar, Associate Professor of Biochemistry  


  • Dr. Shubbir Ahmed
  • Dr. Vikas Sharma


आलेख और अधिक ...

  1. Introduction
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