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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who is eligible for Hostel accommodation?

Ans. All undergraduate students i.e. MBBS, B.Sc. (Nursing Female), B.Sc. (Paramedical) and Postgraduate i.e. Senior Resident, Junior Resident, Ph.D. Scholars and M.Sc. (Nursing Female) are eligible for Hostel Accommodation.

Q2. I am a trainee / doing my elective training. Am I eligible for Hostel accommodation?

Ans. Due to shortage of accommodation it is not possible to provide accommodation to Short Term and Long Term Trainees. Trainee / Visiting / Exchange student can only book guest room through Academic Section. Booking will continue to be accepted at most 1 month in advance.

Q3. I am working on a research project. Am I eligible for hostel accommodation?

Ans. Unfortunately, it is not possible to accommodate those who are on a research project (but not registered as a Ph.D. Scholar or as a student or Resident) in the hostels currently.

Q4. How do I apply for Hostel accommodation?

Ans. Since by and large only those who are in an academic course or training are accommodated in the hostels, applications are received after the applicant has formally been offered the position and has joined the institution.

For undergraduate students, generally, the admission procedure for the hostels is arranged along with the admission formalities for the course. The entire process is completed in one of the rooms in the teaching block with the staff from the academic section and the hostel office. Therefore it may not be necessary to go to the hostel office under such circumstances.

Application Forms are to be submitted in the following offices, unless collected otherwise (as mentioned in the case of undergraduates):

Click here to Apply For Hostel Accommodation Online.

Click here for Procedure To Apply For Hostel Accommodation Online (for Post Graduate).

Click here for Procedure To Apply For Hostel Accommodation Online (for Under Graduate).


Q5. What are the documents necessary to apply for Hostel accommodation?

Ans. Very few documents are required. You are required to submit the application form duly forwarded by the Head of the Department and the Registrar (or only the Registrar in the case of undergraduate students). Also enclose a copy of the Appointment Letter , Joining letter duly forwarded by registrar and two recent passport sized photographs, one of which is to be pasted on the application form. You should have made the necessary payments (including the Hostel security Deposit).

Kindly note the receipt number since this will help you track your allotment position, if wait-listed.

Click here for Documents Required For Hostel Accommodation Application.

Q6. How is the list of allotment prepared?

Ans. For Married & Unmarried Hostel Accommodation, waiting list is updated once in a month. On 1st week of every month a new list is generated. Allotment of unmarried male & female residents is done on the basis of Date of Joining and Date of Application. Married allotment is done on the basis of date of joining and date of marriage.

Q7. I am getting married. How do I apply for a married accommodation?

Ans. You should first apply with proof of marriage (preferably certificate). The application should be forwarded through the head of the department. A list of applicants for married accommodation is drawn according to the general procedure for preparing such lists.

Click here for Documents Required For Hostel Accommodation Application.

Q8. What are the facilities provided in my room?

Ans. Every room is provided with a bed, study table, chair, bookshelf (in some hostels), steel almirah / wooden in built cupboard. In addition you will be provided with a ceiling fan, bulb holder fitting and tubelight fitting. There is a three-pin plug point in every room. Additional beds / double bed, dining table and chairs are provided in married accommodation.

Please check and sign the inventory before shifting into a room / accommodation.

Q9. Are toilets attached to my room?

Ans. Attached toilets are only available in the married accommodation and in Hostel No. 18 (Kashyap Hostel), Hostel No. 19 (Patanjali Hostel) & JPNATC single rooms. Common toilets and bathe are available in single room accommodation. These are located at the ends or in the middle of each wing of rooms.

Q10. How much do I pay for the hostel accommodation?






(Per Month)


(Per Month)


(Per Month)


(Per Month)





(3 Years)



Rs. 7/-

Rs. 3/-

Rs. 360/-



(6 Years)



Rs. 7/-

Rs. 3/-

Rs. 720/-




(3 Years)

Rs. 20/-

Unmarried Rs. 450/-



Married Rs. 650/-




Rs. 7/-

Rs. 3/-

Hostel Fees Rs. 1080/-

Hostel Rent Unmarried (+)Rs. 16200/-

Total Rs. 17280/-

Hostel Fees Rs. 1080/-

Hostel Rent Married (+) Rs. 23400/-

Total Rs. 24480/-



(3 Years)



Rs. 7/-

Rs. 3/-

Rs. 360/-


DM/M.Ch. (Sponsored)

(3 Years)


Rs. 20/-

Unmarried Rs. 450/-




Married Rs. 650/-



Rs. 7/-

Rs. 3/-

Hostel Fees Rs. 1080/-

Hostel Rent Unmarried (+)Rs. 16200/-

Total Rs. 17280/-

Hostel Fees Rs. 1080/-

Hostel Rent Married (+) Rs. 23400/-

Total Rs. 24480/-



(5 Years)

Rs. 20/-

Rs. 30/-

Rs. 7/-

Rs. 3/-

Rs. 3600/-



51/2 Years (Including Internship)

Rs. 20/-

Rs. 15/-

Rs. 3/-

Rs. 220/-

(51/2 Years)

Rs. 2728/-


M.Sc. Nursing

(2 Years)

Rs. 20/-


Rs. 10/-

Rs. 3/-

Rs. 792/-



Other Courses

(2 Years)

Rs. 20/-


Rs. 10/-

Rs. 3/-

Rs. 792/-


B.Sc. Nursing

(4 Years)

Rs. 20/-

Rs. 10/-



Rs. 1440/-




(4 Years)

(Including Internship)

Rs. 20/-




Rs. 960/-



(Dental Hygiene Course)

(31/2 Years)

Rs. 20/-




Rs. 840/-



(Dental Operation Room Assistant)

(4 Years)

Rs. 20/-




Rs. 960/-



(Operation Theatre Technology)

(31/2 Years)

Rs. 20/-




Rs. 840/-




(31/2 Years)

Rs. 20/-




Rs. 840/-



Q11. Will I get my House Rent Allowance (HRA) if I stay in the hostel?

Ans. In case you are eligible to draw house rent allowance, then according to the prevailing rules you cannot claim House Rent Allowance (HRA) if you stay in the hostel.

Q12. My spouse is also a resident in AIIMS. Will she / he get House Rent Allowance (HRA)?

Ans. In case your spouse is eligible to draw House Rent Allowance (HRA) then both you and your spouse cannot claim the allowance if you stay in the hostels. This is applicable if the allotment is either in the name of the husband or the wife. Please check for further details with the Finance / Accounts Section regarding the rules and regulations. Note: It is a serious offence if you do not disclose your marital status and the office of employment of your spouse during your tenure in the institution.

Q13. My spouse is employed but not in AIIMS. Will she / he get House Rent Allowance (HRA)?

Ans. Please check for further details with the Finance / Accounts Section regarding the rules and regulations. Note: It is a serious offence if you do not disclose your marital status and the office of employment of your spouse during your tenure in the institution.

Q14. If a Resident does not stay in the hostel will he / she get House Rent Allowance (HRA)?

Ans. In case both the husband and wife are government employees (including one or both being Junior / Senior Residents of AIIMS) and do not reside in any government accommodation (including AIIMS hostels) then both are eligible to draw house rent allowance. This is not applicable if either one has a government accommodation. In other cases the appropriate rules shall apply. Please check for further details with the Finance / Accounts Section regarding the rules and regulations.

A certificate is given on request to those Resident Doctors who do not stay in the hostels so that this is submitted to the Accounts Section for payment of House Rent Allowance (HRA). It is mandatory to submit this certificate.

Q15. Is a bit of “friendly ragging” of a fresher permitted?

Ans. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited anywhere within the institutional campus including the hostels. Individual or collective ragging constitutes gross indiscipline and will be dealt with severely with punitive measures that includes rustication.

Ragging shall ordinarily mean any act or conduct by an individual or group of individuals by which the dominant status or power of senior students is brought to bear upon the students who are in any way considered to be junior or inferior to them. Some acts that are included in this definition are:

(i) Physical assault or threat to use physical assault of any kind.

(ii)Violation or demeaning the status, dignity, honour of students particularly with regard to gender, caste, language and family background.

(iii) Exposing students to ridicule or contempt that may threaten to reduce their self-esteem.

(iv) Entailing verbal or physical abuse, torture that may be mental or physical, aggression, corporal punishment, trauma, indecent gesture and obscene behavior, insisting on performing menial jobs by force or threatening to use force that may be implied.

No junior student should be taken into the room of a senior student or found in the room of a senior student till the ‘freshers’ welcome party is over. In case this is reported or found it shall be considered as ‘ragging’ unless otherwise proven.

An Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted every year for the purpose of surveillance, to ensure that acts of ragging do not occur and look into specific instances of ‘ragging’. Students are requested to bring all acts of ragging to the notice of the committee or authorities concerned. This will help in making new students comfortable and allow them to settle into an entirely new atmosphere. Many of the undergraduates leave the secure precincts of their home for the first time and the seniors are expected to realize this and conduct themselves accordingly.

Q16. Can I keep a music system and a television set in my room?

Ans. Yes, a music system or a television set may be kept in the married room provided this does not exceed the sanctioned electrical load and does not in any way disturb fellow-hostellers. All hostels have facilities for cable connection at predetermined fixed-rates. Further there are TV Rooms where one may watch television programmes.

Q17. Can I keep a computer in my room?

Ans. Yes you may keep a computer in your room.

Q18. Can I install an air-conditioner in my room?

Ans. No, installation of air-conditioners and similar electrical gadgets are strictly prohibited. These gadgets draw power far in excess of the sanctioned load and are not only illegal but also jeopardize the power supply of the campus and pose a serious fire-hazard.

Q19. How long can I stay in my allotted room?

Ans. According to current rules you are permitted to stay in the hostels for a maximum period of ten days after you have completed your tenure / examinations / course as scheduled in the academic calendar or as appointed. Ph.D. Scholars are permitted to stay for a maximum period of five years / thesis submission whichever is earlier. Resignations, discontinuations, termination of service and rustication shall be considered as completion of tenure / course.
The schedules in AIIMS are followed strictly and every Student / Resident Doctor / Ph.D. Scholar is aware of the probable date of completion (as defined above) literally at the time of joining. The Hostel Office is not obliged to intimate students of this date. This is the responsibility of every hosteller. Any delay in vacation of the room shall constitute a violation of hostel rules and invite appropriate penalty. All hostellers are therefore required to plan their departure accordingly. This would help in accommodating new batch of hostellers, many of whom come from different parts of the country and overseas and do not have relatives, friends or place to stay in Delhi.

Q20. Can I change my allotted room?

Ans. Hostellers are not encouraged to change their allotted room. In exceptional circumstances the room can be changed on written request to the Hostel Superintendent giving the reasons for this request.

Q21. Can I Mutual Exchange my room?

Ans. The mutual exchange is provided in the same type or at par hostel accommodation only once in the entire tenure subject to the following condition:-

  1. Students / Residents having more than 6 months left for completion of their tenure.

Q22. How much time do I get to shift into my allotted room?

Ans. For fresh offer - 7 working days (excluding Sunday and Gazetted Holiday), For fresh allotment - 10 working days (excluding Sunday and Gazetted Holiday), For change offer - 3 working days (excluding Sunday and Gazetted Holiday) and For change allotment - 7 working days (excluding Sunday and Gazetted Holiday).The allotment letter is provided to every hosteller through the Head of the Department. He / she have to contact the Hostel Office and intimate whether he / she is interested in the accommodation. In case he / she does not contact the office it is presumed that the person is not interested and has refused the allotment and he / she will be debarred from the waiting list for 6 months.

Q23. What happens if I do not shift into my allotted room?

Ans. If you do not shift into the allotted room, the person next in the priority list is offered the room. You are then debarred for a period of six month from further allotment.

Q24. Is there any way I could keep my room for a few days more?

Ans. Hostellers are discouraged from overstaying. Strict action is taken against defaulters. However if there is a dire need then an written application is to be submitted to the Superintendent of Hostels, duly forwarded and recommended by the Head of the Department citing the reasons for extending the stay. Each case is evaluated on individual merit and decided accordingly. In general, extensions are extraordinary and refusals are to be expected.

Q25. What happens if I exceed my period of stay?

Ans. Exceeding the period of stay is a serious offence. In case the hostel is not vacated, ‘no dues’ certificate is not issued. Without this certificate the last pay and benefits are withheld and the degree certificate is not released. Further penal rent is imposed. The room may be double-locked and necessary eviction proceedings are instituted.

Q26. Are visitors permitted in the hostels?

Ans. Visitors are permitted in the hostels. However visitors are to make the necessary entries in the registers. Hostellers are not encouraged to take visitors into their rooms.

Q27. How do I apply for proof of residence?

Ans. Proof of Residence Certificate is issued on the basis of an application in the form available in the Hostel Website. The application is to be forwarded through the Head of the Department or the Registrar (in the case of undergraduate students). The reason for which this certificate is required must be clearly indicated. Normally it takes one weekto issue this certificate.

Q28. Where can I eat in the hostels?

Ans. You may choose one or several options available. There are cooperative messes run by hostellers for which the membership is limited. In addition there are contractor run messes where boarding charges may be paid monthly or for each meal. In addition there are Cafes that serve dishes that are to be ordered and paid for every time. You should check and discover what suits you best. Your seniors would guide you. A list of the messes and Cafes are available with the Hostel Office.

Q29. Whom do I complain to if the food is not satisfactory?

Ans. It is mandatory for every commercial establishment in the Hostels to maintain and produce on demand a Complaint Book. These complaints are checked periodically and fine imposed or appropriate action taken after verification. In case the Complaint Book is not available or you are not satisfied please do meet the Senior Warden and the Superintendent of Hostels.

Q30. Can I drink alcohol in my room?

Ans. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited in the hostels.

Q31. Where do I park my vehicle?

Ans. Vehicles belonging to hostellers may be parked within the hostel compound. However all hostellers are required to register their vehicles with the Security Officer (near the Central admission Office and Railway reservation Counter opposite the Emergency Entry Gate) and display the AIIMS Vehicle Pass Sticker (oval, blue coloured). If the approved sticker is not displayed the vehicle is liable to towed away.

Q32. Where should a visitor park his / her vehicle?

Ans. Visitors are requested to park their vehicles in the designated parking lots outside the hostels.


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