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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
कॉल सेंटर:  011-26589142

International Medical Health Libraries

1. National Institute of Health  (USA)


2. National Library of Medicine (NLM)


The National Library of Medicine is the world’s largest biomedical library and a leader in research in computational health informatics. NLM plays a pivotal role in translating biomedical research into practice. NLM’s research and information services support scientific discovery, health care, and public health. NLM pioneers new ways to make biomedical data and information more accessible; builds tools for better data management and personal health; and helps create a more diverse and data-skilled workforce. NLM enables researchers, clinicians, and the public to use the vast wealth of biomedical data to improve health.

NLM’s cutting-edge research and training programs—with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, computational biology, and biomedical informatics and health data standards—help catalyze basic biomedical science, data-driven discovery, and health care delivery.

Every day, millions of scientists, health professionals, and members of the public from around the world use NLM’s online information resources to translate research results into new treatments, develop new products, inform clinical decision making, and improve public health. In addition, NLM leads research and research training in biomedical informatics, information science, and data science. Its vibrant intramural and extramural research programs conduct and support research and training in institutions across the United States.

NLM is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and located in Bethesda, Maryland. NLM started in 1836 as a small collection of medical books and journals in the office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General.

Leveraging its 184-history, NLM develops and applies innovative approaches to acquire, organize, curate, and deliver biomedical information across the United States and the world. NLM’s advanced biomedical information services are among the most visited websites in the Federal Government.

NLM carries out its mission of enabling biomedical research, supporting health care and public health, and promoting healthy behavior by:

  • Acquiring, organizing, preserving, and providing free online access to scholarly biomedical literature from around the world.
  • Providing access to biomedical and health information across the country in partnership with the over 8,100 members of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine(link is external) (NNLM).
  • Serving as a leading global resource for building, curating, and providing sophisticated access to molecular biology and genomic, clinical trial, environmental health and other types of biomedical data, including those from high-profile, trans-NIH initiatives.
  • Conducting research and development on biomedical communications systems, methods, technologies, and networks and information dissemination and utilization among health professionals, patients, and the public.
  • Funding advanced biomedical informatics and data science research and serving as the primary supporter of pre- and post-doctoral research training in biomedical informatics and data science at 16 U.S. universities.


3.Johns Hopkins University

“What are we aiming at?”

That’s the question our university’s first president, Daniel Coit Gilman, asked at his inauguration in 1876. What is this place all about, exactly? His answer:

“The encouragement of research . . . and the advancement of individual scholars, who by their excellence will advance the sciences they pursue, and the society where they dwell.”

Gilman believed that teaching and research go hand in hand—that success in one depends on success in the other—and that a modern university must do both well. He also believed that sharing our knowledge and discoveries would help make the world a better place.

In 140 years, we haven’t strayed from that vision. This is still a destination for excellent, ambitious scholars and a world leader in teaching and research. Distinguished professors mentor students in the arts and music, humanities, social and natural sciences, engineering, international studies, education, business, and the health professions. Those same faculty members, along with their colleagues at the university’s Applied Physics Laboratory, have made us the nation’s leader in federal research and development funding every year since 1979.

That’s a fitting distinction for America’s first research university, a place that has revolutionized higher education in the U.S. and continues to bring knowledge and discoveries to the world.

The university takes its name from 19th-century Maryland philanthropist Johns Hopkins, an entrepreneur and abolitionist with Quaker roots who believed in improving public health and education in Baltimore and beyond.

Mr. Hopkins, one of 11 children, made his fortune in the wholesale business and by investing in emerging industries, notably the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, of which he became a director in 1847. In his will, he set aside $7 million to establish a hospital and affiliated training colleges, an orphanage, and a university. At the time, it was the largest philanthropic bequest in U.S. history.

Johns Hopkins University opened in 1876 with the inauguration of our first president, Daniel Coit Gilman. He guided the opening of the university and other institutions, including the university press, the hospital, and the schools of nursing and medicine. The original academic building on the Homewood campus, Gilman Hall, is named in his honor.

“Our simple aim is to make scholars, strong, bright, useful, and true,” Gilman said in his inaugural address.

In the speech, he defined the model of the American research university, now emulated around the globe. The mission he described then remains the university’s mission today:

To educate its students and cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.

Or, summed up in a simple but powerful restatement of Gilman’s own words: “Knowledge for the world.”


4. Harvard University

Our educational programs advance Harvard Medical School's core mission to alleviate human suffering by nurturing a diverse group of leaders and future leaders in both clinical care and biomedical inquiry. These individuals are on the front lines of medicine and science serving individuals and populations locally, nationally, and globally.

Harvard University (Harvard Medical School)

5. Oxford University


Oxford meets the needs of its students, academics and the international research community with a wide range of library services provided by more than 100 libraries, making it the largest library system in the UK.Bodleian Libraries
The Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford is the largest university library system in the United Kingdom. It includes the principal University library – the Bodleian Library – which has been a legal deposit library for 400 years; as well as 30 libraries across Oxford including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Together, the Libraries hold more than 12 million printed items, over 80,000 e-journals and outstanding special collections including rare books and manuscripts, classical papyri, maps, music, art and printed ephemera. Members of the public can explore the collections via the Bodleian’s online image portal at or by visiting the exhibition galleries in the Bodleian’s Weston Library. For more information, visit

Have you ever wondered what it's like to study in the Bodleian? Tune in and listen to the sounds of Oxford's most famous libraries.

The Bodleian Library

Is the University’s main research library and a legal deposit library. It is the second largest in the UK after the British Library. Visit the Bodleian Library website.

College libraries
Every College has its own library, often consisting of a modern, working library and older collections. See more information on 
College libraries.

Oxford University Libraries A-Z

The University also houses many departmental and museum libraries, such as the Museum of the History of Science Library and the Oxford University Museum of Natural History Library. Further information on all University libraries can be found using the 'Libraries A-Z' or ‘Subjects A-Z’ indexes.

Finding resources

SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online) is the main search engine for library collections across Oxford, providing access to information in over 100 Oxford libraries including circa eight million bibliographic records and more than 13 million item records. It offers a one-stop search and delivery solution for quickly accessing Oxford’s main library information resources regardless of type, format or location. These include ORA (Oxford University Research Archive), OxLIP+ (currently over 800 e-resource databases) and OU E-Journals (over 28,000 e-journals). Single Sign-On offers easy access to subscription resources, whether on or off campus. Visit the SOLO website. Find more information on finding resources at the Bodleian Libraries.

Digital projects and services 

The Bodleian is actively involved in developing new digital collections and services in close collaboration with students, researchers, and staff from around the University. To learn more about these services please see this overview or have a look at a selection of our past or current projects. 


The practice of Medicine offers a breadth of experiences impossible to find in any other subject. Every day brings different patients with different needs. It’s a great choice for scientists who strive to understand and apply research findings to improve the lives of the patients in their care. It offers a meaningful career that is prestigious, secure and well paid. However, practising Medicine can be arduous, stressful, frustrating and bureaucratic and is not suited to everyone. You need to be sure that Medicine is the right choice for you. These pages will help you work that out, but there’s no better way to find out for sure than by gaining insight into medical practice by seeing it in action and talking to those who provide healthcare. Studying Medicine because that is what is expected of you is never a good idea; make sure that your motives for choosing to do so are well reasoned.

The Medicine course at Oxford provides a well-rounded intellectual training with particular emphasis on the basic science research that underpins medicine. We have retained a distinct three-year pre-clinical stage that includes studying towards a BA Honours degree in Medical Sciences, followed by a three-year clinical stage. The Medical School at Oxford is relatively small, allowing students and staff to get to know one another and benefit from a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Research work

All A100 students at Oxford undertake an experimental research project as part of their BA in Medical Sciences. This will be in a field of interest to the student, and will offer valuable first-hand experience of scientific research. Students have the opportunity to undertake research in a laboratory from a wide range of departments within the Medical Sciences Division.


6. University of Cambridge


7. The University of Edinburgh

Our history

With our rich history, noted alumni and distinguished scholars, we have much to be proud of in our many centuries as a world-renowned university.

From Nobel laureates and Olympic champions to space explorers and prime ministers, the University of Edinburgh has been influencing history since it opened the gates to its first students in 1583.

Ground-breaking thinkers

Following the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century, the University was positioned at the forefront of academia and critical thinking.

Due to the determination and perseverance of a group of Edinburgh intellectuals, established facts about the world were being boldly and consistently challenged.

Amid this group was David Hume, philosopher, economist and essayist known for his philosophical skepticism and empiricism; Joseph Black, the chemist behind the discovery of latent heat and carbon dioxide; and James Hutton, the ‘Father of Modern Geology’.

Shaping the past, the present and the future

We are the home of Britain’s oldest literary awards, the James Tait Black Prizes and Dolly the sheep, the first animal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell.

It was also here at the University of Edinburgh that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was inspired to create his notorious character, Sherlock Holmes and James Young Simpson pioneered anaesthetics through his discovery of the properties of chloroform.

More recently, theoretical physicist and Professor Emeritus Peter Higgs was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his 1964 prediction of the Higgs Boson.

Through the many achievements of its staff and students, the University has continued to present cutting-edge research, inspirational teaching and innovative thinking as its central ethos, attracting some of the greatest minds from around the globe. 


25 Aug 2020: Library services at the University of Edinburgh

Library services

21 Sep 2020: Use the vast resources of the Main Library and and all site libraries after graduation by registering for alumni library membership.

Using the library

29 Jun 2020: As an online student you will have remote access to one of the world's biggest academic libraries.

Information Services


Campus maps

16 Aug 2019: Search and find University buildings with our campus map search tool.

Accessing the Library

12 Jun 2020: As an online learner, you will have access to an extensive range of e-books, ejournals and databases which you can use while studying.

New College Library

20 Jan 2020: Founded in 1843 as the Library of the Free Church College, and now serving the School of Divinity, it is one of the largest theology libraries in the UK, with around a quarter of a million items and a large and rich manuscript collection, including

Library Services Update 2020-21

23 Nov 2020: Information and updates about Library & University Collections services in response to COVID-19

Main Library

12 Oct 2020: Guide to location of and information about access to the University Main Library

Library locations

       03 Nov 2020: Overview of Edinburgh University Library locations.·          


8. Kings College London

9. The University of Glasgow (Scotland) UK


10. The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Renewing loans

Unless recalled, standard loans and key texts will be automatically renewed for students (up to 12 weeks) and staff (up to 24 weeks). Overdue items must be returned immediately. External Members are not able to renew items.

Using other libraries

Users have access to a wide variety of other libraries if the material they need is not available at the School. Items that are not held in nearby libraries can be ordered through the Library's Inter Library Loans Service. For information about the Inter Library Loans service, see the Library intranet pages.

University of London

All members of the School can use most libraries within the University of London for reference. You will need to show your School ID when you visit, and may need additional documentation. See the University of London Libraries Access Agreement for details.

Senate House Library
Current members of the School can join Senate House Library by visiting the membership desk on the fourth floor of Senate House. Just bring your School ID to register. Academic staff are given membership for 3 years or until the end of their current contract. PSP staff and students are given membership for one year. In addition to borrowing, membership also allows users to access Senate House Library's e-resources.

Other UK Universities
Members of the School can join many UK university libraries (including libraries within the University of London) as borrowers via the SCONUL Access Scheme.

Academic staff are given membership for 3 years or until the end of their current contract. Students are given membership until their LSHTM library account expiry date. When staff and students leave LSHTM, their SCONUL Access membership is revoked.

During vacation times, taught course students of the School can use other university libraries for reference via the SCONUL Summer Vacation Access Scheme.

British Library
LSHTM staff and students may have reference access on production of School ID, proof of home address and signature.

King's Fund
LSHTM staff and students may have reference access.

Staff and students

For remote access, training and booking of any facilities see the Library intranet pages.


11. University of Manchester UK


12. Queen Mary University of London

13. Karolinska Institute, Sweden


14. Heidelberg University, Germany


15. University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands


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